Morgan Hill Magical Bridge in the Shop


Like the flagship Magical Bridge playground in Palo Alto, the Morgan Hill branch will feature Barbara’s unique fully accessible two-story playhouse which includes a stage on the ground floor for playing and community performances.


Access to the second story of the playhouse is a bridge walkway, creating a fully accessible way for players of all abilities to enjoy the structure.


Before heading to Morgan Hill, we build each component in the shop. By fabricating the structure in pieces, we can easily transport it to the final destination and minimize the amount of time on-site.


To create the massive arch that bounds the edges of the theater stage, thin strips of wood are glued together in the correct shape and held in place with clamps. Once dry, the piece will actually be stronger than if it had been made with solid wood.


When all the components have been made, the next step will be to give them color with our signature all-natural tung oil stain. Stay tuned!

See more Magical Bridge here…