Oregon Oasis

Barbara and the crew spend a solid three weeks in Oregon installing this deluxe Portland treehouse into a lush forest hillside. As usual, we build each component of the structure in the shop before beginning the installation process, but because of its size and complexity, extra time is needed on-site. Our customized girder system allows four Doug Fir trees to serve as supports without endangering or damaging their health and longevity


Designed and engineered to exceed regular building codes and accommodate both children and adults, this sprawling treehouse includes a swinging cable bridge that measure a whopping 30 feet, making it one of the longest we’ve ever made. Each board is meticulously added by hand and then the railing are hand-lashed onto either side.


Here, Barbara takes a precarious walk on the partly-finished bridge! Because of the steep slope of the yard, the bridge takes you across the treetops so you can get in touch with your inner monkey. The precipitous drop-off also calls for extra-high railings for peace of mind.

The two-story octagonal tree fort offers more climbing opportunities with professional-quality exterior rock climbing holds. Jeff and Cam prepare to dig and install the fire pole in front of the rock wall.
