Moving the Bridges

One of the most engaging parts of an artist/builder’s life is that no two days are ever the same. Each morning brings fresh challenges and novel accomplishments. The day that we moved the Morgan Hill Magical Bridges from our main studio to our storage space was no exception! The challenges began when our forklift suddenly stopped working exactly when we needed to move the bridge to make room for the lovely playhouse pieces we were working on.

Luckily, with a bit of ingenuity and teamwork, we came up with an effective system to accomplish the task in one day without the use of our forklift. First, we created a custom-made angled ramp to fit perfectly against our loading dock.

Careful coordination of each step was imperative. Here, Barbara guides the ramp drop. Up top, you can see the bridge mounted onto a custom-made delivery platform on wheels ready for her trip.

We hooked up one of our trucks to the platform and towed the bridge down the ramp.

Once safely on the ground, the truck continued pulling the bridge atop its platform down the driveway.

The journey consisted of a long driveway leading to our storage area.

The process called for plenty of precise steering. Here, Jeff takes a turn.

And voilá! Bridge successfully tucked away into storage and ready for her next journey — all the way to Morgan Hill!